Excerpt from A Quantum Moment:
FADE IN: INT. BERT’S DORM ROOM - NIGHT CLOSE ON: A cell phone clock reads “5:32 AM”. We watch for a couple of seconds as it switches to “5:33”. BERT, early 20s, sleeps restlessly. FLASHBACK A hand passes an airline voucher over to a very similar hand. BEN, early 20s (and Bert’s twin), holds the voucher and receives a hug from Bert (we see only Bert’s backside). BACK TO SCENE Bert tosses, turns. We hear a BOMB go off. Bert bolts up. BERT (cupping his ears) No!! Ben! It is a nightmare. Bert tries to shake it off, but can’t. Grabs the cell to look at it. It’s early, but he isn’t going back to sleep. He slides off to sit on the side of bed, thinking. He reaches to touch an easeled framed phone on the side table (we don’t see it). He lays it flat. He slides back into bed, and wraps the blanket over his head. EXT. ROYAL ROADS UNIVERSITY - GROUNDS - DAY CLOSE ON: A pair of black Converse hi-tops, walking. We HEAR a CELL PHONE chime: Beethoven’s “Fur Elise” ringtone. The feet stop. Pan up to Bert, wearing brown jeans, shirt and black vest. He has a laptop bag slung over his shoulder. Hits the answer button on his cell. BERT Hi. Ya, I’m good... (emotional) Ok, no I’m not. I had that dream again. (beat) I know what today is. I will. I’m late for class... love you too. EXT. ROYAL ROADS - PROMENADE - DAY Establish the university setting with a perfectly symmetrical shot of promenade staircase down to grand entrance. EINSTEIN (V.O.) The intellect has little to do on the road to discovery. There comes a leap in consciousness, call it intuition or what you will, and the solution comes to you and don’t know how or why... |